You've seen them on Instagram, the influencers, doing Hotel Collaborations and seemingly staying for free, living the dream and creating content.

But they have thousands of followers, and that MUST be the reason why they can stay at luxury resorts for free.

... and even worse, why you can't.


Probably couldn't be further from the truth.

You don't need thousands of followers to collaborate with amazing, luxury hotels.

In fact, Alex' first collaboration was when he had around 1400 followers and his first collaboration normally cost upwards of €2.400 for 2 nights.

Cool, but wait, who is Alex?

Fair question.

Let's meet your instructors through this workshop before we show you the goods!


Storyteller, Filmmaker & Colorist.

Alex has been a Digital Nomad since the end of 2021.

2 months into his journey he landed his first Hotel Collaborations with a luxury hotel.

Back then he only knew Photography and went on the stay alone. It was a tough experience but taught him an immense amount of what future collaborations would require.

After more than 10 collaborations around the world, Alex has a lot of experience shooting and delivering high-quality.


Filmmaker, Brand & Marketing Specialist.

Gioya has been a Digital Nomad since the end of 2022.

After 6 months she did her first collaborations together with Alex.

Back then she didn't know much about modelling or storytelling but learned on the job.

A year later, Gioya is natural in modelling, while also taking photos and shooting the videos for the collaborations.

She brings a lot of knowledge on what looks great, how to pose and insights into what a hotel can actually use.

You don't know, what you don't know.

The biggest reason why you don't think you can do hotel collaborations is because you don't know how.

However, when you boil it down, it's actually a pretty simple recipe.

All you need is:

The skills to create photos and videos.

A Portfolio & Media Kit.

Knowledge of what hotels to search for and who to reach out to.

A good email template.

What and how much to deliver.

What, how and when to shoot.

How to edit and what to post.

Knowing how to deliver it in a professional way.

A way to communicate so they want you back.

Take a shortcut.

You could take the long way and figure it all out by yourself.


You could join our 90-minute workshop where we'll walk you through everything we know.

In 90-minutes we'll walk you through

✔️ How to build a Portfolio

✔️ How to create a Media Kit (and access to see our own)

✔️ Our tactics and strategies for searching for and reaching out to Hotels

✔️ What makes a good email and what ours look like

✔️ What to deliver in exchange for a stay

✔️ What to shoot, how and when, during your collaboration

✔️ What you can do to go the extra mile and stand out

✔️ What to edit and post

✔️ How to deliver and communicate so they want you back

We won't teach you how to shoot photos and video, so that's the only thing you need to learn or know on your own.

Next Workshop

Sunday May 26th @ 8 AM UTC+12 (Auckland, New Zealand)

Saturday May 25th @ 10 PM UTC+2 (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Saturday May 25th @ 9 PM UTC+1 (London, United Kingdom)

Saturday May 25th @ 4 PM UTC-4 (Toronto, Canada)

Saturday May 25th @ 3 PM UTC-5 (Austin, Texas)

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Workshop: Get Your First Hotel Collaboration

Workshop: Get Your First Hotel Collaboration

Regular price €50,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €50,00 EUR
Sale Sold out

15 in stock

Join us for a 2 hours session, teaching you everything you need to know to land your first hotel collaboration and have them begging you to come back!

The workshop is live but will be recorded so you can watch it again and again afterwards.

The last 30 minutes are dedicated to answering all your questions, so you're left ready to get going afterwards.

There are only 20 spots, so you need to be quick to secure yours.

View full details

What's included?

Access to the live 90-minute workshop.

30 minutes live after the workshop with a direct Q&A.

A recording of the entire workshop, so you can watch it back (or watch it if you couldn't make it live).

Access to our Media Kit, Email Templates, Example Contract and Standard Deliverables.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can't make it live?

Don't worry. The workshop will be recorded and you are welcome to send an email with your questions afterwards if you can't attend.

How long time will the recording be available?

The workshop recording will be available to download for at least a year after your purchase.

And probably much much longer than that.

What if I can't make it this time, will the be another round?

We plan on making this a recurring workshop and potentially a cohort in the future.

As long as there's demand, we'll continue to supply!